Thanks to community donations, we served 72 men
and provided over 460 clinical session hours in our 2022/2023 Fiscal Year.
As the demand continues to increased these numbers only solidify
the value and importance of the services we are providing.

 We continue to seek funding and grants,
 but with continued help from organizations and community members such as yourself,
we are hopeful to continue providing a much needed service to the members of our community.

We would like to send another HUGE
Thank you to Darius for shining his light on this very important cause!!

Thanks to him and all of your Generous Donations we currently have raised $23,206.21. This includes the many e-transfers, cheques, bottle donations, $75
0 from Interior Savings Credit Union and the remarkable $5000 from Nicola Valley Institute of Technology (NVIT) .
This is a great start to an absolutely necessary program and we would greatly appreciate any and all continued donations!

With Much Gratitude,
Thank you from Nicola Family Therapy


  • Hand sanitizer and disinfecting cleaners are located through out the agency.  We ask that all those entering the building please sanitize or wash their hands.
  • Counselling spaces and other areas that are commonly touched are disinfected after each use.
  • Face masks are available on site.
  • Plexiglass partitions can be provided in the counselling offices, front reception, and board room where  social distancing cannot be maintained. 
  • All cloth furniture has been replaced with furniture that can be cleaned after each use. 
  • Where possible, in person sessions can be held outdoors, as long as social distancing is maintained.

We encourage anyone to call the office if you have any questions or concerns, or you would like to find out more about the office safety precautions in place. 

The health and safety of clients and staff is our number one priority.




Get the help you need, wherever you are. We are taking new clients and we are offering phone and video sessions, through Zoom for our existing clients.

Video counselling is an online communication tool allowing face to face video chat/dialogue.   

Any internet-based communication is not 100% guaranteed to be secure/confidential.  Your therapist and Nicola Family Therapy has made every reasonable effort to implement security measures that reduce risks of a confidential breach

Is Online Therapy Right for Me & My Family?

Online Counselling is well validated by research, and is available for individuals, families, children and their guardians. It is not limited to talk therapy and can be adapted for many of the same tools as an in-person session, such as therapeutic games. Your therapist will continuously assess if working via online counselling is appropriate for your needs.